Monday 9 December 2013

I was young and times were tough, I was a lonely traveler with two other lady boys. My companions are not bad, they were the hippy type, out for a good time. They knew something I did not, they had been through this before. More about that later. In our universe, the times were of plenty, but corruption had been gathering pace. The government was failing, and the economy was becoming worse. We needed to go, but where is it safe? Where is the right place! We did not know much about out universe, but it was large. So it was decided to stay put for now and research where we can go and try and change the situation here.

Chapter 1

I knew it was going to be long, my tiredness was what was causing my headache. I could hear the sounds of those long past memories of those who had passed, of those who I loved and those who I destroyed. What am I what did I become, I thought to myself, am I really a bad person. Did I have to do what I done, or was it greed and fear that drove me to it. To understand this, I need to go back. I visit my memories of those times I can not change. Back to the events of my yonder. It was a time of plenty, I was born in the time of guru-im-du-a, it was the meat of summer. My patients said I was a strong but shy child. I would go down to the river and watch the fish being caught by the fisherman.